Why Bloggers Fail: 17 Reasons Why Your Blog Sucks

Hi there! Do you know a fact that more than 90% of those bloggers will eventually fail in the first year! In the remaining 10%, at least 5% will quit blogging again after 2 years! These bloggers pursue long-term blogging work almost very little!


There are many reasons why you will fail with blogging and will never go back to writing again. But I think there will be 5 main reasons! If you want to know what are these 5 reasons? How to recognize it? How to overcome … Let’s read my article below!

As you know, blogging is a job that requires persistence, it takes time, effort and sometimes even money. So many people have started a blog and more than 90% of them fail and the success rate of long-term blogging is very small.

Even though learning from mistakes is generally a positive thing, there are a few blogging mistakes you should avoid making as a beginner blogger in the beginning of your blogging career.

I’ll list several rookie mistakes that bloggers do in this piece. Even if you already know, blogging is no more just a pastime or a means of improving your search engine rankings.

If you don’t have the appropriate knowledge and a strategy, you risk falling behind in the current, extremely competitive environment.

I find new strategies and advice for my long-running website every day. Let’s start by talking about the mistakes that novice bloggers frequently make.


1. Custom Domain Name

Custom Domain Name

Beginners’ biggest blogging mistake is not using custom domain names. Using free domain names like blogspot.com, wordpress.com, or wikis is not professional.

I strongly suggest that they invest in a memorable and recognizable domain name, such as neilpatel.com or tryootech.com.

Godaddy.com and Namecheap.com both provide domain names for incredibly cheap prices. Custom domains make your company distinctive and aid in its expansion.

By starting your own blog and using these easy procedures, you can make money online.

2. Avoiding list building

Making a list is one of the best ways to measure your loyal readership. If done correctly, list and email marketing can increase your traffic more than any other strategy.

Email marketing has the ability to generate big traffic and revenue even if Google penalizes you.

On a blog, list building should be practiced right away. Getting the email addresses of your readers as soon as you can will help you build a robust list and, as a result, increase traffic.

For the first four months, I didn’t have a list that I was keeping up with. Later, I understood the importance of list-making, so I got going.

3. No cost themes

One of the most frequent blogging mistakes made by bloggers is failing to use premium themes.

They don’t want to spend money on premium themes like StudioPress or GeneratePress Premium just to save a little money, which is the reason behind this. In the long term, this ends up costing them more money.

Their SERP outcomes are poor as a result. The GeneratePress Premium theme, which is quick, adaptable, and optimized for search engines like Google, is what I advise utilizing for this reason.

Bloggers should take note of this piece of advise before they continue to Google for “free WordPress themes”: The security of your blog is at danger if you download nulled themes that have been compromised with spyware and viruses from Google.

Use plugins like Sucuri to make your blog more safe.

4. Not Purchasing Tools

Do you realize that almost every blogger makes the error of skipping the tool investment stage? They are unaware that there are tools at their disposal to help them develop a plan for accomplishing their objectives.

Bloggers should spend money on services like LongTailPro, Grammarly, GetResponse, and SEMrush (14-day free trial).

Every business needs to invest if it wants to see quick results. You can grow your business 30 times faster and quickly return your investment money if you invest in blogging tools.

Many inexperienced bloggers make these mistakes when they first start out. Avoid the mistakes I made when I initially started blogging. In the long run, it will cost you.

5. Build backlinks Like a Ninja

link building

The vast majority of newbie bloggers think that building backlinks is the only way to perform well in Google’s search results.

I understand the point and concur. Hold on a second, though.

A few posts can generate a huge number of backlinks for a newly established blog. It’s ludicrous, to put it mildly. It is, nevertheless, the error that novice bloggers make the most frequently.

To fast accumulate 20–50 no follow comment links while establishing a site, all you need to do is post great material, produce a few dofollow backlinks, and leave 20–50 comments per week.

Excessive blog promotion for the purpose of generating backlinks temporarily raises your ranks. However, after a week or perhaps a month, it will be wiped away. You’ll then need to start your search for recovery instructions all over again.

You can start using guest posting to earn backlinks once you have between 70 and 100 excellent, original blog content. Keep your guest blogging to a bare minimum till then.

6. Copying articles from different blogs

Finding ideas for blog posts can be challenging for beginning bloggers. Beginner bloggers can’t write original content, so they start stealing it from well-known blogs and uploading it on their own with only small changes.

What we mean by “practice” is this. Both plagiarism and the usage of duplicate content, which are both frequent on novice blogs, are detested by Google. Search engine results do not favor duplicate content. Avoid making these blogging mistakes at all costs.

If you’re not very good at writing, you may hire article writers on Fiverr to do the work for you. Before pressing the publish button on your WordPress dashboard, use Grammarly’s plagiarism checker to make sure your content is original.

7. Social media ignored

New bloggers think that producing just top-notch material will suffice. They are not active on social media. But wait a moment.

You’ve written some truly amazing information. How will your audience learn about your amazing work, though?

Sharing your most recent blog posts with your target audience and letting them know about your excellent material will help you gain some visibility on social media. Your blog’s traffic will improve significantly as a result of this.

A part of this traffic may become paying clients depending on the value of your content.

Your new blog will be a tremendous success as long as you keep in mind that “Nobody will come to your new site and read your content themselves, you need to reach them”!

You won’t have to do as much effort to keep your readers interested if you’ve built up a following of devoted readers.

Related post: 25 Major Social Media Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

8. You do not like to write but still try to write

Blogging requires you to love writing, love the language so much, so that when you sit on the computer you can write a blog with the excitement and urge to write. If you feel like you are trying to write, then you are not interested in writing and you are embracing yourself.

So how do we like to write? In my experience, people who love to write are often the ones who like to read. They read a lot, they like to read books, newspapers, magazines, like to read whatever they meet. Usually those people are very fond of writing. 

Because in the process of reading, we will learn how to read the language, how to develop a language, how to write a sentence to make the reader feel excited. It’s a factor that I find that people who like to write are like readers and vice versa.

Secondly they enjoyed watching. People who like to observe life, like observing the problems that are happening around everyday life are those who have many ideas for writing. These are two factors to help you feel like writing.

In case if you do not like to write but still want to deploy a blog then there is another way, not necessarily you have to try to write. For example, you can deploy in the form of vlog or podcast audio format.

9. You just think about yourself and forget your readers

Most people come to your blog not because they care about who you are? What do you write about? …

They care about one thing only: Do you and your blog help them solve the problem they are having?

For example, if your blog is about health, people with health problems will come to your blog to seek help and learn how to live with their illnesses.

Or if your blog is about making money online (like this blog of mine), beginner bloggers who don’t know how to make money from their blog, will go to your blog and consult the knowledge you share.

Therefore, if you are helping your readers by providing them with the solution they are interested in, they will become more and more engaged and recommend your blog to others.

But most bloggers do not understand this, they are too focused on themselves but forget their readers. That is the type of blogging 10 years ago… that is, you write about yourself, write about what you met today, what you eat, where you go. Write about your dog, cat, etc.

It’s an online diary, not a blog. So, if you want to make money from your blog, forget about yourself, forget your dog, cat and focus on writing for your readers and write about their dog, cat!

10. You choose the wrong topic of the blog

In my experience, if you are not passionate about something you try to do about it, you will probably fail because you do not like it, you do not have many ideas and knowledge to write on that topic.

So why are there cases where we are not passionate but try to choose that topic? As I realize that normally it is because you think that topic is easy to attract users so you try to choose it.

For example: you do not like the field of making money online and you do not have the knowledge of making money online but you find that there are many needs in this field, so you create a blog to guide on making money online.

You think that this market is wide so you can reach quickly and get the attention of many people.

However you are not passionate, have no background, no knowledge of the field, so in the end you will also fail, because you are following the trend rather than follow your passion. You are dependent on the market, not you create a blog according to your ability.

11. You can’t connect with your readers

Indeed, blogging requires a huge connection.

Readers need to know who is behind this blog? What is your story? Is there any reason why they need to read and hear advice from you?

You will quickly become a trusted and beloved blogger if you are willing to share your personal story. That story can be described in an about page, in your daily posts, even in the way you talk to your readers.

In short, keeping a good connection will increase your readers’ trust, and when they have trust, it’s easy to recommend or sell something for them to make money.

12. Lack of Focus

When you start with many blogs at the same time, you do not know where you are. You are allocating resources, time, resources for too much work and do not know what to spend most of your resources on. 

You should remember that we will only do a good job if we focus on it, spend the most time on it, invest the most resources for it.

So if you start at once with 2.3 blogs then I am sure that you will not be able to do well at the same time all those blogs.

In my experience, you should spend time and effort concentrating on a main blog and developing it will be better that you develop more and more blogs with different topics without any effective blogs for you.

13. You do blogging for money only

make money blogging

Most of the time we all set up blogs with the goal to make money!

It is absolutely not wrong, but it will fail if you are too impatient to make money when your blog is too new, not providing enough value and has not built enough trust for your target audience.

If you set a goal of making money higher than the goal of providing value to the reader, then I assert that you will be very difficult to succeed.

You only succeed when you provide so much value to the user and from that can build trust, and when there is trust then you can make money in many ways, for example: selling books, Online courses, consulting,… or whatever products or services are relevant to the topic you are blogging.

I want to emphasize once again that you should provide value and place factors that bring value higher than your monetization goals. Then you will succeed, do not do the opposite.

14. You don’t really understand what your readers are interested in

You will not earn money from your blog, if you do not really understand your readers.

To write what really matters to your readers, you need to understand them very well and here are 2 ways to understand them better:

If you are a blogger, listen to what readers respond to you via email, comment on the post and use it to build content ideas. You can also join groups and forums to see what they are discussing.

If you’re building an email list, set up an automated email chain and connect with them through your story and don’t forget to ask questions.

I sometimes ask questions like “What is the most difficult thing when you make money online?”, “What makes you unable to blogging and make money from it?”

Usually after such emails I get a lot of feedback and this is the way for me to build article content that focuses on readers’ issues.

Some of the most frequently received feedbacks are:

  • Do not know how to start building a blog
  • Do not know what to write and how to write to attract readers
  • Do not know how to make money from blogs
  • Do not know the techniques to develop a blog

All of that content comes from asking questions, understanding readers and the ultimate goal is to know what problems they are having, thus helping them solve the problem right away through the content on the blog.

15. Every time you make a writing mistake, your material could be harmed.

Your reader might think your material is horrible as a result of one simple writing error.

A few grammatical mistakes can bring the entire article to a halt. It will drive you even more insane if you are unaware of it. Regardless of how good the information is.

grammatical mistakes

Put aside for a moment the caliber of the content.

Spelling mistakes are not taken into account at all. How about grammar, though? It does, in fact, matter. Meaning? HIGHLY IMPORTANT

The font on your site must be carefully considered because it is crucial.

The more popular your blog gets, the more cautious you need to be about what you write. With your audience, you must be forthright and honest. Your transparency increases your credibility.

A minor blunder now could result in major disgrace later.

  • It’s versus Its

When individuals say it’s instead of its or vice versa, it irritates me.

You must be able to distinguish between these two terms in order to be a successful blogger.

The tiny apostrophe has a big impact on the finished product. As a result, your intended message might not be received correctly.

Avoid using a generic or conversational approach at the same time.

I make it a point to emphasize the need of adopting a conversational approach whenever I talk about writing.

However, if you’ve recently tried to write in a conversational style, you could have had trouble distinguishing it from a generic style.

Inadvertently, you can refer to some of your readers as “you” and others as “readers.”

You cannot deliberately do it. Combining these two strategies is equivalent to conversing with a close friend one day and a complete stranger the next!

I won’t have to say how uncomfortable it makes me feel to read it.

Use a consistent writing style while interacting with your audience.

  • Writing to reach the word requirement

When you have a word count deadline, filler words tempt you.

The impact of the post’s meaning is diluted when gimmick words like “and” and “and” are used.

When communicating your ideas, the more direct you can be, the better. Always remember that quality always triumphs over quantity.

  • Repeating a point by using examples

Yes, I have a bad habit of doing this.

You don’t have to repeat it out loud because web readers have the option to read the text more than once.

Sometimes it may seem as though the points you presented in the article weren’t emphasized sufficiently. It tempts you to rebut your argument. If you continually say the same thing, you diminish yourself. It’s okay to offer counsel once, but only once.

You might not be aware of other grammatical mistakes such mistakenly employing the present, past, or future tenses. You could also use solitary and plural nouns.

The usage of words like bought or brought, fewer and less, and so on are common grammar mistakes.

The credibility of your blog could be utterly destroyed by these grammatical grammar mistakes.

16. You can not prove your results as you say

For example, you have an making money online blog, but you never make money on the Internet, never letting others see that you can make money from the internet, surely in the long run you will not build trust, because users see that you can not do it, why do they have to listen to you?

Similarly, for example, you have a blog about beauty, skin care, makeup, while your personal image shows that your makeup is not beautiful, your skin is not pretty then surely readers will not believe the guidelines you are writing on the blog.

It is very important, you have to prove to the user that the results are specific. Show them the actual results you have made.

17. You are too satisfied with the current traffic to your blog

So you don’t continue to write articles and find ways to increase traffic. Ie you feel satisfied with the current income and traffic!

The bad news is that you will slowly lose traffic and your income will be reduced if you stop updating content!

There is one most important formula in making money with blog: Good Content -> More Traffic -> Make More Money

So you need to have a regular writing plan, the goal is to let readers feel that your blog is always new and attractive.

Do not let your blog die!

Some other ways you can increase that daily traffic are:

Constantly learn and keep up to date with the latest SEO knowledge to get more traffic.

Connect with other bloggers through activities like interviews, guest post.

Use at least one email marketing tool like MailChimp, GetResponse or ConverKit and focus on building email lists from the early days.

Conclusion: Blogger Mistakes To Avoid

These are some of the mistakes that novice bloggers make, in my opinion.

If you’re a beginner blogger, you should be aware of the most frequent blogging errors that more seasoned bloggers have committed and have documented on their websites. In other words, you’ll need to delve into their depth of wisdom and expertise.

Establish connections by reading the most popular blogs in your niche and contributing insightful comments.

By avoiding the mistakes that new bloggers frequently make, you may quickly establish your authority as a blogger.

I trust you had fun with it. Please feel free to remark and share.

Hopefully this article has somehow answered the question of why we fail with blogs. Thank you for listening!

Do you have any mistakes above, if yes, you can leave a comment and tell about yours below!

source https://flashreviewz.com/5-reasons-why-you-will-fail-at-blogging/


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