6-Page Ebooks Empire Review: Publish 6 Pages Books And Get Paid Forever?
Hello and welcome. Over the years, publishing on Kindle has become increasingly difficult. Do you know why? Because all the people are doing precisely the same thing: they upload a book and hope to get results.
Reality is different, and if you don’t have a step-by-step plan to follow, everything becomes complicated. And that’s why today I suggest you to check my 6-Page Ebooks Empire Review below now!
What is 6-Page Ebooks Empire?
Hello and welcome. “6-Page Ebooks Empire” is finally live, and it will bring a wave of fresh air in the world of Kindle publishing.
2022 is the PERFECT year to start creating your online income. With the pandemic ending more businesses than ever, now is the perfect time to get started generating sales and money online by creating simple low content books or high content books without doing the work yourself!
After grinding various ways of making money online, nothing ever stuck with my friend Alessandro Zamboni; affiliate marketing, Amazon FBA, list building etc. – until he started creating low cost books that sold like HOT CAKES on Amazon. And the great part was, he didn’t even put money into the business…
He created his first paperback book back in October 2018, and that ONE book has made over $2500 of pure profit. Needless to say, he has many many more books on the Amazon marketplace making him sales every single day.
And what’s even better, is that he hasn’t worked on this business for 5 MONTHS, yet sales continue to flood in.
Want to make a passive income by publishing books to Amazon Kindle? Do you already publish books but wish you could publish more books, cheaper, and faster?
“6-Page Ebooks Empire” is finally live, and it will bring a wave of fresh air to the world of Kindle publishing. It is a step-by-step video course on how to write easy six pages ebooks for the Kindle marketplace on a lot of topics, into a brand new hot niche.
This course will show you how to sell a brand new ebook of 6 pages on the Kindle marketplace, with currently no competition, just asking ten questions to your reader. And you don’t even care about what they will answer!
In this course you will learn a strategy that allows you to research your topic, pick keywords, get content for your book, make a book cover, and publish it all within an hour of work! You may say that is not possible but you will see how it is possible and how it is done inside the course.
So, in this course you will learn how to…
- Pick the Hottest EBook Topics that Attract Tons of Buyers
- How to Emotionally Compel Customers to Buy Your Ebook
- How to Make Sure Your Kindle Ebook Will Sell
- Passively Produce Your EBook With Very Little Writing
- Design a Kindle EBook that Your Readers Will Love
- Price Your EBook for Maximum Sales.
- How to Get Tons of Great Reviews for Your EBook.
- How to Promote Your EBook with Little Effort
- Become a Kindle Ebook Bestseller in as Little as 90 Days
There’s only one author taking advantage of this brand new publishing niche and is reaping massive rewards.
This course will show you how to sell 6-page books on the Kindle marketplace, in the easiest possible way. Everything with no advertising needed, no freelancers or writers, and no headaches.
And that’s not all. The first 50 student will also be getting a collection of 18 checklists and video training providing everything any online marketer or business owner needs to know about Self Publishing.
You get these 18 checklists you can easily follow to go from thinking about writing a book to actually writing, publishing and profiting from one… So here’s what you’re getting with this additional module:
- 18 step by step checklists teaching and guiding you through the entire process of publishing your own top selling book.
- Video training and live webinar training for those who take action fast.
- Exclusive bonus reports and Facebook Group Access.
If you’re looking for a passive income stream that can provide you with an extra $500 – $5000 a month, with little work involved – there is no greater way than the humongous opportunity you’ll find on Amazon Kindle.
This course provides you with a simple step-by-step system that will help you easily create Kindle eBooks, that thousands of readers will eagerly buy. You will even learn how to become a Kindle bestseller in as little as 90 days.
So don’t hesitate to check the next parts of this 6-Page Ebooks Empire Review as I’ll show you what you will learn inside!
6-Page Ebooks Empire Review Overview
Vendor | Alessandro Zamboni |
Product | 6-Page Ebooks Empire |
Launch Date | 2022-Aug-15 |
Launch Time | 10:00 EST |
Front-End Price | $17 |
Refund | YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee |
Product Type | Kindle Direct Publishing |
Support | Effective Response |
Operating System | PDF and video Training Course |
Recommended | Highly Recommended |
Skill Level Needed | All Levels |
About Author
Alessandro Zamboni’s internet marketing career started back in 2008. After studying for almost a year, he specialized himself in product creation, blog flipping, email marketing, social media and blogging.
He has launched more than 70 products on Warrior Forum and Clickbank and he helped many IM newbies to reach their target… with great products such as: ProfitDom, Christmas Deals, etc.
Now, let’s look at the next part of this 6-Page Ebooks Empire Deals Review and find out its features.
What will you learn inside?
You Will Discover
Step by step how to create a passive income on Amazon KDP without doing any writing yourself
How to find SUPER HOT niches that bring in monthly income
How to get started with little to no budget
Advanced tips to double your income
Build a Amazon business with a mixture of low content and high content books
How to save money when outsourcing work
- How to register on Amazon KDP.
- How to get your U.S. Bank Account for receiving payments from Amazon.
- How to design your Kindle & Paperback books in 5 minutes.
- How to get all the approved tools that our students are using on Amazon.
- How to research best-selling books to write.
- How to write your books without wasting dollars in freelancers and paid tools.
- How to upload your Kindle & Paperback books.
- How to rank organically with our killer keyword strategy.
- My exclusive pricing strategy that allows you to get more money per book than your competitors exploding your income.
- How to uncover the best niches with ravenous buyers that will snap up your 6-page books like hotcakes.
- The number one source for near unlimited ideas for your 6-page book revealed.
- ELITE HACK: One simple Google search string you can use to find unlimited content to fill your 6-page books.
- How to quickly and easily create your 6-page book in no time using completely free software and tools.
- My exact formula for creating 6-page books that get great reviews and high customer satisfaction ( this boosts your ranking on the Amazon Search Engine bringing in more customers and skyrocketing your income.)
- The most effective way to go from idea and concept to a finished 6-page book in 30 minutes.
- My favorite free tool to use to create stunning good looking ecovers that drive clicks to my book’s product page on Amazon.
- Or if you’re lazy, the #1 place I go to get high-quality ecovers made for super cheap!
- The simple and quick method to format your 6-page book for Kindle again using completely free tools that are readily available to anyone with a computer.
- My underground little used secret weapon built into the Amazon KDP platform that lets me sneakily sell more books to excited fans of my work.
- The one powerful shortcut method I use to create arresting Amazon book descriptions that have buyers lining up around the block to get my 6-page books.
- EXPOSED: My killer free and easy traffic methods that will flood your Kindle Book Product Pages with hordes of wallet-waving visitors all without spending a dime of your own money.
- My favorite Free & Paid book promotion website resources where you can submit your 6-Page books and have them send a whole heap of customers to your Book Product Pages on Amazon.
- And much, much more!
Additional modules for the first 50 students
- Book Planning Checklist
Go from not knowing where to start with your book to having a clear direction on what you’re book will be about plus also a roadmap for how you’ll profit from it.
- Book Writing Checklist
Writing the traditional way is a long and tedious process but with this checklist we’ll cover what you need to know to get your book done faster than a politician makes excuses.
- Book Cover Checklist
People do judge books by the cover but with this checklist you’ll know exactly what to include on your book cover to ensure it grabs attention and demands your reader to want to know more.
- Book Publishing Checklist
Get the inside track to all of the ‘essential ingredients’ needed to take your finished book and get it published properly on all of the major book distribution platforms.
- Book Marketing Checklist
Publishing is step zero – actually marketing your book is where the fun starts and with this checklist you’ll have a one page plan of attack to getting your book into your readers hands.
- Createspace Upload Checklist
Here the author will walk you through step by step the process of uploading your book and publishing it on Createspace (Amazon’s publishing arm).
- Lulu Upload Checklist
A step by step checklist for publishing your book on Lulu.
- Kindle Upload Checklist
A guide on converting and publishing your book in Kindle format allowing you to reach millions of digital readers.
- Amazon Advertising Checklist
A step by step walkthrough (with sample copy) on how to setup a profitable Amazon Advertising campaign.
- Book Online Advertising Checklist
Advertising your book online is a fantastic way to get more readers and make more sales and this checklist will make sure you won’t miss anything when it comes to advertising your book online.
- Giveaway Model Book Funnel Checklist
Giving your book away 100% free can be a genius way of generating boatloads of leads and here we cover what you should and shouldn’t do if using this model.
- Free + Shipping Model Book Funnel Checklist
The free + shipping model is the book model to beat them all and it allows you to attract buyer leads instead of just normal leads. Here we walk you through the entire free + shipping book model.
- Local Book Launch Checklist
Launching your book locally is a fantastic way to instantly become a local celebrity and with this checklist you’ll have plan for launching it locally – the right way.
- Online Launch Checklist
Launching your book online is another way to get a LOT of book buyers fast and this checklist gives you a step by step plan on what needs to be done.
- Book Lead Generation / Sales Checklist
You can generate tonnes of leads both online and offline with your book and this checklist covers the best methods to use to ensure you always have more leads than you can handle.
- Book Backend Checklist
Your book should be the first step in your sales process and how to turn book buyers into high ticket sales is covered in this checklist.
- Book Speaking Gigs Checklist
Speaking gigs, getting them and actually delivering them is so much easier when you’re a published author and this checklist gives you a plan for landing keynote speaking gigs.
- Book Translation Checklist
Translating your book into a second language doesn’t have to be tricky. With this simple checklist you’ll know what to do and what not to do to get your book translated into multiple languages.
That’s not all. You will also get access to LIVE Training on: How to Use a Book to Generate An Endless Supply Qualified Leads and Buyers Without Having To Actually Write a Book The Traditional Way.
Well on this 100% new, advanced (and easier) live training the author will be sharing:
- The #1 shackle holding you back from monetizing your ideas, passions and knowledge and getting clients that CRIPPLED me for YEARS (once you know this, you can attract clients (and generate passive income) at will)…
- The SECRET WEAPON that allowed a former wrestler from Boise Idaho to turn an idea into a $100 million dollar company in less than 3 years…
- How to ETHICALLY (and legally) steal MILLIONS of Dollars worth of insider information from a GOLDMINE more powerful than Google, Facebook, and YouTube combined…
- How to “write” a bestselling book WITHOUT actually writing anything (no it doesn’t involve anything illegal, PLR or expensive ghost writers)
- How to get a flood of leads and buyers lining up to do business with you, eagerly wanting to give you money AS QUICKLY AS TOMORROW…
- How to turn your book into a passive income generating machine that generates buyers and cash like clockwork (without you physically being involved in the process)…
You’ll discover all this and more when on this bonus and exclusive LIVE training. In fact, they will give you TWO super simple strategies you can do to start getting leads and generate passive income as quickly as a couple of hours after the training.
Honest 6-Page Ebooks Empire Review: Is It Really Profitable?
Have you seen the power inside it? This course is a gem, here to stay for a long time, because it talks about what really works on the Kindle marketplace, so you can release short books bringing you passive income.
I have never seen something so massive in my life. And if you lost the self-publishing boom, and all the latest big changes, this will be bigger than what you are thinking.
In fact, on the inside of this course, you get everything you need from A to Z to work easier and get rewarded with sales. You don’t need long fiction and non-fiction books, and you don’t need to pay for advertising or freelancers unless you want to do so.
With this new method, Alessandro and Dotun recorded many sales, bringing them passive income every month. And you can easily do the same following their 18 short videos to finally restart your Kindle publishing!
What I can say at this point is that I really appreciate the attention to detail deeply embedded in Alessandro’s process and how he communicates these details. I’m so captured by the way he packaged this class that I’ve been binge-watching it!
This guy has a completely non-annoying voice, first and foremost – and he tells you exactly what he did, showing you the interfaces and bits of software involved, step by step. It locks everything down that makes this real rather than some fragmented dreamy concept.
He has covered everything (I think) I need to start producing Kindle e-books. The information was easy to understand and the instruction was clear and concise. I also think that if I have questions, Alessandro or the member area section may provide the answers.
Being as I already knew a great deal have recently begun with Amazon Content. I found this course to be clean , honest and perfect for those starting off with KDP. I chose this course in the hope that I would work out why my books do not sell. I am hoping a little of the knowledge on Keywords that I have learnt here will help me to make a difference.
I found it a very good beginner course. It fills in many holes & answers questions you might not know to ask. It was very definitely worth taking. The web is so big with so many choices He helps by giving you pathway to getting started! Simplifying the process.
I gave 5 stars as this is the first course I have actually listened to and watched from start to finish in one go. Why! – It was thorough and not over complicated in anyway. If you want to start a KDP Publishing business I feel that this course is a great start to that journey.
You will be getting the vendor’s greatest bonuses for your fast action (and also my ultimate huge bonuses at the last section of 6-Page Ebooks Empire Review):
How 6-Page Ebooks Empire Works
We are about to share one such unbelievable opportunity with you that most don’t even know about. This method is so simple, straightforward, and easy to implement that most people don’t take it seriously when they come across it.
The best part about this opportunity is that; you get paid for life for what you do once. It only takes 25 to 30 minutes a day to implement what you will learn in this training.
Trust us. Nothing beats being paid every day, week, month, and year for something you set up and forget once.
This information is nothing like you’ve ever seen before, and I can assure you that you will be one of the first handful of marketers to get in on this trend.
That’s right, the marketplace is WIDE OPEN for these 6 Page Ebooks!
Since the ebook is just 6 pages you can write them in one sitting usually inside half an hour, more or less.
The hardest thing you’ll have to do is come up with a few paragraphs of introductory and closing text, but even that takes mere minutes.
And you don’t have to be original either… You can easily uncover sources of content that will fill thousands of these books on the internet, FOR FREE, once you learn the tricks behind those easy ebooks.
Before I tell you more about this opportunity, I think it’s imperative that you first understand what exactly the Amazon Kindle is… Kindle is a device initially created by Amazon to enable all its users to browse the Amazon platform, search for, purchase, and download ebooks of every type.
Now, what I – and eventually you are going to love it for is publishing content on there and making a lot of money from it.
The problem is there is a wrong way of doing it, and then there is the RIGHT way. The only way the instructors have seen it done with consistent success is the way they do it.
Just How Fast Can You Start Making Money With This?
It’ll take you 30 minutes to research, write, and format the ebook, about 15 minutes to make a new eCover or 5 minutes if you want to pay and have one made, and another 10 minutes or so to get it uploaded to the Kindle platform.
And that’s everything you need to do to have your ebook for sale. So you can create it on your own from start to end, or get the help from freelancers for your cover.
After that, it takes Amazon 3 days to publish your book, and once it’s published it’s immediately ready to begin making money!
You can spend just 15 minutes a day marketing your ebooks with my three techniques, and those sales will begin rolling in like clockwork. You can easily get one ebook making $100, $200, or even $500 per month in profit for you…
And their method is a unique 3-stage approach their students and they follow religiously. We are going to reveal it to you today.
Here Are The 3 Stages Involved In This Amazing 6-Page Ebooks Empire Strategy:
- The Research Stage – You sign up on Amazon for FREE and quickly research hot and best-selling books that you can model in minutes thanks to our simple strategy.
- The Creation Stage – This is where you quickly create your books by yourself. Unlike other courses out there that only show you how to pay thousands on writers and graphic designers, with this system, you don’t have to spend $1 before you create your books.
- The Publishing Stage – This is where you quickly submit/upload your books on Amazon by filling in all the necessary details about your books.
The Cool Thing About All This Is That We Don’t Have Any Special Skills. We’re Not Writers, And We Don’t Spend a Dollar On Any Writer & Book Designer – We Don’t Spend Anything on Any Amazon Advert For Book Promotion.
Amazon Kindle Publishing Business Is 100% Passive Income. Nothing Like Customer Support, Shipping, Order Confirmation, Updates, and Management.
When you upload your 6 pages word document once, Amazon makes it available to many customers and ebook buyers on Amazon network. For example, 76% (57.2 million) of the 75 million products that Amazon sold as of March 2021 are books.
Amazon Kindle Publishing Business is 100% Scalable. The More Books You Upload = The More Money You Make. With this business, you can upload unlimited numbers of books. You can upload as many books as you like and sell them for life.
Unlike Other Online Businesses, You Need No Website, Marketing, Facebook Ads, Link Sharing, and Email Marketing. It’s a no-stress business! The Kindle publishing business is the only one that does not need all these requirements before starting.
Only $0 Start-Up Capital For Your Amazon Kindle Publishing Business. With our 3 step secret method, you only need $0 to start this business, and you can do this within 25-30 minutes every day.
Unlike Other Online Businesses, You Need Absolutely No Website, No Marketing, No Facebook Ads, No Link Sharing, and No Email Marketing.
So are you ready to start making $1000 to $5000 per month with your short documents on Amazon? If your answer is YES, then 6-Page Ebooks Empire is for you!
Who this course is for
- This course is for Amazon publishers and authors who want to take their content creation to the next level.
- Home based business owners, entrepreneurs, people looking to build passive income
- Students who are struggling to make money on Amazon KDP
- Students with the desire to create a passive income for life
6-Page Ebooks Empire OTOs and Price
For a limited time, you can grab 6-Page Ebooks Empire with early bird discount price in these options below. Let’s pick the best suited options for you before this special offer gone!
- The front-end price is $17 at a 50% commission.
- The OTO 1 gives access to other two niches, and ore traffic strategies. It sells for $27
- OTO 2 gives customers access to three ebooks we created for them, at $27
- OTO 3 is a set of two ebooks about Kindle publishing that come with Private Label Rights. The cost will be $47.
- Finally, there’s the OTO 4 that is my Self-Publishing Kingdom course, selling for $297.
6-Page Ebooks Empire Review Conclusion and Ultimate Huge Bonuses
Thank you so much for reading 6-Page Ebooks Empire Review! I really hope it did help you with your buying decision. This offer is coming out with many bonuses for the early bird. Take your action ASAP for the best deal.
You can have an opportunity to receive extra bonuses if you finish 3 steps below:
- Step 1: Order the product by Clicking here.
- Step 2: Choose 1 of my huge Bonus Packages by click the link below! Remember that you can pick one more bonuses pack for each Upgrade you purchased!
- Step 3: After your purchase goes through, email your receipt & your chosen bonuses pack to me at David@flashreviewz.com so I can confirm your purchase and email you information about how to access to your bonus material.
source https://flashreviewz.com/im-checklist-self-publishing-review/
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